In 2005 I made a batch of postcards. Thick carton with acrylic paint. SOme I kept for my own collection, some were sent into the network. I digitized them all, so I can still share them with you. Have a look for the fluxus words at the bloig: There is an overview of those cards and also some envelopes with specific Fluxus Wors. Also it explains for you what.. Read More
Mail to Ray Johnson – USA
In the beginning 90-ies I sent this enveloppe to Ray Johnson. Also got replies from him, but only discovered this envelope recently because it is shown on: A newspaper article in which they tell about the Ray Johnson Estate that has a large website with items from and to Ray. The envelope also contained the “This part is CENSORED” sticker, which was in the 90-ies part of the first.. Read More
mail-interview with Peter K
outgoing Mail to USA, Italy and Canada
Three outgoing envelopes with in it colour copies (double sided) of the received Fluxus Rubberstamp Sheets from John M. Bennett (USA), Lancillotto Bellini (Italy) and R.F. Cote (Canada).
Mail to Amy Irwen – USA
Two envelopes with poster sized copies of my drawings were sent to Amy Irwen. Seems they arrived since she published them on a blog at , The IUOMA network, where you can read her reaction. The envelopes are part of the faces series, where two faces look different of same ways, as symbol of the network where there is always a sender and a receiver.
Mail to De Villo Sloan – USA
The enveloppe arrived, so it is safe to blog it now. The new set of Rubber Foam stamps is spread into the network now. We will see how that will go further…… Bewaren
Painted CD’s
In the years before and after 2000 I started with a production of painted CD’s. I documented them with albums and a complete Blog that is online at: The goal was to exhibit them, but the place I was hoping/looking for didn’t succeed. Maybe a new chance will come in the future when the CD’s are a unknown object for the new generation…..
Sample of Stampsheets – TAM Rubberstamp Archive – Breda
A small selection of stampsheets from the TAM-Rubberstamp Archive. Just click on a single one and get a detailed view of the sheet.
TAM Rubberstamp Archive – beginning Years
In the first years of collecting prints of Rubberstamos, I also kept a list of all the contributors, and sent a print of that list to participants.That way the network grew and the mail-artists knew who was using rubberstamps. They also could contact eachother. Besides the address list, there were also pages in it with reprints of the rubberstamps that came in.
IUOMA logo
Every few years I ask mediadesign students to develope a new logo for the IUOMA. This one was made a few years ago. In the center the IUOMA-members could add their own content…….