THE MAIL-INTERVIEW WITH ROD SUMMERS – VEC. Started on: 18-11-1994 RJ : Welcome to this mail-interview. First let me ask you the traditional question. When did you get involved in the mail-art network? Reply on: 9-12-1994 RS : Dear Ruud, this is the answer to the first question in your mail-interview project: I began involvement in the mail-art movement in either late 1973 or early 1974, it’s quite difficult to.. Read More
mail-interview with Roy Arenella – USA
Ruud Janssen with Roy Arenella – USA Started on 28-7-1997 RJ: Welcome to this mail-interview. First let me ask you the traditional question. When did you get involved in the mail-art network? Reply on 28-8-1997 (In the beginning I received some letters from Roy. He was surprised that I invited him, since he has used the rubberstamp: “Photographer” & not “Mail Artist”. He doesn’t consider himself a mail artist and.. Read More
More Drawings in 2015
In the last years I have been working on a large set of drawings. Of each one I also make colour copies and use them as writing paper for outgoing mail-art, but the plan is to exhibit the set one day on a special occasion. A theme that keeps me busy is the interaction of the Digital World and the Humans. What can we do, and how do people change.. Read More
Visual Poetry
Some Cards I made in 2015. One set I keep in the TAM-Archive, but also lots of variations were sent into the network. Click on the individual image to see it larger.
mail-interview with Mark Bloch – USA
Ruud Janssen with Mark Bloch – USA TAM Mail-Interview Project (WWW Version) Started on: 12-02-1995 RJ: Welcome to this mail-interview. First let me ask you the traditional question. When did you get involved in the mail-art network? Reply on: 25-02-95 (internet) MB: I first did mail art in 1968 when I did a postage stamp of a kid in my 6th grade class who used to scream a lot. He.. Read More