Soon the new cards will be ready and will be sent out. The order went out just now. This blogposting is the only posting about the cards I will be doing, so eventually we will see what the sending out of the cards will bring.
There is a long history about the membership cards for IUOMA. It started back in 1988 and not every year a card was produced. Also designs from others were used sometimes, and in a special group:
I even try others to make designs too, but not always succesfull. Anyhow….. A new card is in the making, and the cards are for 2016-2017 and will soon hit the network. Some will collect the cards for sure, and these will become historical time marks for the future of the IUOMA. Too much is going on digitally, but what will last is the hardcopies and lots of digital information scattered in the cloud.
By the way; it will be funny when someone reacts for the first time about the English and Dutch variation of the word Ship and Schip.
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