From Ruggero Maggi I received new of a project he is curating (capua’s mothers) at the Museo Provinciale Campano in Capua, Italy. So I made this special envelope for the project that is going out this weekend.
a FaceBook Dicussion – drawing by Ruud Janssen
A FaceBook Discussion is a drawing i made in July 2010 when I was working in Athens. The theme has to do with several discussions on facebook where people sometimes crossed the lines and some friendships were broken. When not talking Face to Face but sitting behind a computer some people tend to overdo it with their words and emotions. When respect is lost, the friendships are lost too.
Video 3D Pen object by Ruud Janssen
New object made with the 3D pen on 7 till 9 October 2016. I used 4 colors ABS plastics to create this larger object. A video is made to show how it looks from different angles. It is an abstract work that is still in progress. So after adding some minor details it will be ready and will get a title too. Not sure yet. Ruud Janssen, Breda, Netherlands
3D Pen – New work in progress
Outgoing Envelopes from Ruud Janssen – October 2016
Incoming USA Election Mail-Art – October 2016
Outgoing to DeVillo Sloan – USA
Incoming mail-art 4th October 2016
Outgoing to Crackerjack Kid – USA
Chuck Welsh (Crackerjack Kid) wrote somewhere on the Internet that he hadn’t received any of my latest mail envelopes. So that is why I decided to send him a special one. Includes a few updates on what I do and have done in the past years.
Brain Cell #955 from Japan
Brain Cell #955 arrived from Ryosuke Cohen – Japan