Outgoing envelope to De Villo Sloan (DVS) in USA. Inside some personal things for him which I won’t document online. Also an original is included…..
Incoming from Cascadia Artpost – USA (May 2018)
received this lovely postcard from Jack latteman (Cascadia Artpost) on which he documents the world of artistamps used in the Eternal Network. This is set 3.
Frontiers – 1986
Statement written in 1986 by Ruud Janssen The Mail-Art network always is looking for new ways to communicate in a creative way. From sender to received in whatever medium there is. The Internet and Facebook haven’t changed that.
Outgoing Mail-Art on 4-5-2018
Some outgoing envelopes on May 4th 2018. Some old names get snail-mail again after they have been active online that much….
Add and Pass for the MoMa – What is new?
Added a hardcopy Bitcoin to this paper and also some traditional values. Symbolic for the new ways for mail-art that old and new are now integrating and we don’t know which way things are heading. Will be funny to find out where this paper will travel too…… And what kind of traces are on it. I left a few of mine and now digitized it. The network will tell if.. Read More