Outgoing enveloppe to Richard C. in USA. He will be turning 75 soon, so I loved to surprise him with the fact that I will be turning 57 soon. Same numbers, but not yet that old. Hope he likes the surprise.
Mail-Art Books in the TAM-Archive
Digital Humans – more drawings by Ruud Janssen
Some more new drawings got ready today. All conected to the digital human beings; how the digital world in influencing our way to see things and to react on things. I have published a large set from the complete series on my digital portfolio:
New VIP’s ready beginning 2016
Two more IUOMA logos with 3D pen
Outgoing to Heleen de Vaan – May 2016
Brochures TAM-Publications
Chinese Mail-Art research
The IUOMA BOX with 3D PEN video
Lately I have made some videos of the productions with the 3D Pen. The IUOMA logo concepts and the Fluxus Words are two samples that are now ready including the box: