iuoma.org – Interested in Mail-Art?

welcome to the International Union of Mail-Artists. This Blog gives you information and links to all activities undertaken by Ruud Janssen, who started with Mail-Art in 1980 and is still active.

6 new works by Ruud Janssen – November 2017

Six new works I made the last weeks. Experiments with Indian ink, water and pen. Then composition added with watercolours and dated, signed and titled. Chaos and chance elements are added into these works. Something which I love to do and started when I discoverd art as a child. Somehow I like working like this and I see all kind of things in these works.

For a good Digital Cause – Drawing by Ruud Janssen 2017

For a good Digital Cause is a new work I made yesterday. Making digital work is something completely different to working with pen and ink on thick paper and finish the drawing of with russian watercolour. The digital grawings os scans might travel the world, but this original work is unique and only can be in one place. Also holding a work in your hand is something else then watching a computerscreen.


New Blog with Drawings by Ruud Janssen

When I look back I see I have been drawing for quites some decades now. Since most of the drawings are digitized too, it has become easy to make an overview of the collection. In a new blog I am now publishing an overview where you can search by Title and also by year, so you can see how the works have developed over the years. I know where the influences came from, but you can judge yourself if you like what you see at:


The blog will grow over the years. Not to publish all the drawings, but to show the developement over the years. I noticed that for some years the drawings haven’t been digitized yet, so it will be interesting to change that and add that to the digital world.

New Drawings April-May 2017

Have been working on a new set of drawings. This time on thicker (400 g/m2) paper. The new set will join the larger collection Human Beings in the Digital World. In the coming year I will choose how to present the collection. Now over 300 drawings already, so the complete set will give some impact. Because every single drawing is very detailed it also needs space to be presented. We will see what is possible.

You can already view a large part of the collection on: www.ArtWanted.com/iuoma