iuoma.org – Interested in Mail-Art?

welcome to the International Union of Mail-Artists. This Blog gives you information and links to all activities undertaken by Ruud Janssen, who started with Mail-Art in 1980 and is still active.

Video’s by Ruud Janssen

Because I have been producing and publishing video’s for many years now, I have decided to place all the links on the IUOMA website as well. As this is a blog, I can do that randomly, and I placed a catagory button in the menu so you can choose to get an overview of all these videos. It is not complete yet, but you can search some of the channels on YouTube as well to get the direct access:



IUOMA_Ning_2010 Math_Physics-Art_2010 Networking_Athens_2010

It is in my nature to make charts of things. Studying Physics and Mathematics only made that worse, and it results sometimes in beatiful charts that document the things I see connected. Mindmaps they are called sometimes too, and above you see a few of those that I made in the last years.

Also when designing websites I used to make the sitemaps before I started building the digital works. Some samples are also interesting to see even after all these years:

fhc0310b fhc0401a fhc0401b

The last two have additional drawings by Litsa Spahi in them. She thought out the concept for Fluxus Heidelberg Center, and I realized the digital website by make things digital.

see more at: http://www.fluxusheidelberg.org/sitemap.html