Here are the scan’s of the handwritten answers by Carlo Pittore in the Mail-Interview I did with him. You can access the text-version at: Carlo Pittore has a specific handwriting always with pen and ink. Als he decorated the envelopes I sent the questions in and returned them to me. You can click on the individual images to enlarge:
mail-interview with Carlo Pittore – USA
Ruud Janssen with Carlo Pittore TAM Mail-Interview Project (WWW Version) Started on: 10-5-1995 RJ: Welcome to this mail-interview. First let me ask you the traditionalquestion. When did you get involved in the mail-art network? Reply on:22-5-1995 CP: In response to your query, I began my Network mail art activity in1978, encouraged by Bern Porter. Although I had been decorating myletters with pen & ink drawings and water colors.. Read More