Outgoing enveloppe to Heleen de vaan in the Netherlands. Inside another envelope that the Postal Office returned because they flipped the envelope over and found the return address. So a second attempt to get this to Amstelveen. Hope it works this time.
Feeding the network – October 14th 2018
Three envelopes are leaving Breda today. I call it ‘feeding the network’ since you have to send things in order to receive things. Also I enjoy working on special envelopes of which you here see a few. Click on the single work to get an enlarged view.
Outgoing to Heleen de Vaan – Netherlands – May 2018
Outgoing envelopes – February 2018
Again an envelope to Ryosuke Cohen in Japan to insure that in return I will get a Brain Cell for the TAM Archive. Last version I received was #1009, so the collection grows and grows Also two envelopes to Heleen de Vaan with a minimalistic address notation. Will see if they get there. The zipcode should reveil the city (Amstelveen), and the sipcode also reveils that the street is a.. Read More
Mail to Heleen de Vaan – Netherlands
Surprise sending to Heleen de Vaan – Netherlands
Outgoing mail-art October 2016
Two outgoing envelopes today. One above a reply to the cards from Houlton Vinyl (Kosmo Vinyl) in USA. He asked for some Ray Johnson add-and-pass-o sheets which I am sending him. Always was a fan of the Clash, so this is an interesting new contact. Also love the cards he did…… The second envelope below goes to Heleen de Vaan who is constantly active with her new drawings and sometimees.. Read More
New cow rubberstamp from Helleen de Vaan – Netherlands
In the summer I was abroad for a few weeks, and when I returned I found some very nice pieces of mail-art at the P.O. Box. Two of them came from Heleen de Vaan (Netherlands). One of them contained an original new COW rubberstamp that Heleen has designed and made rubberstamps out. One for herself, and (lucky me) one for the TAM Rubberstamp Archive. I already printed the stamp a.. Read More
Outgoing to Heleen de Vaan – May 2016
With all the work online, one never should forget to send out some letters now and then.
Outgoing Fluxus Words 2016
Some more Fluxus Words envelopes went out this week. More details about this project you can find on: http://fluxuswords.blogspot.nl/ The envelopes went out to Heleen de Vaan (Netherlands) and Mars Tokyo (USA) and visualize some new words that got alive today.