Every month at least a few envelopes go out to Ryosuke Cohen in Japan to give him some elements for his Brain Cell project.
Outgoing to Heleen – 2019
Outgoing enveloppe to Heleen de vaan in the Netherlands. Inside another envelope that the Postal Office returned because they flipped the envelope over and found the return address. So a second attempt to get this to Amstelveen. Hope it works this time.
Outgoing to Ryosuke Cohen (Japan) – Dec 2018
The Old Bits Are Alive – New Drawing
In November 2018 I started working on several ore drawings in the collection Digital Human Beings. The series have become quite large and an exhibition would fit very nicely. Am looking nog for a good enough place to show the works. Any suggestions are welcome.
Feeding the network – outgoing to Italy and Greece oct. 2018
Feeding the network – October 14th 2018
Three envelopes are leaving Breda today. I call it ‘feeding the network’ since you have to send things in order to receive things. Also I enjoy working on special envelopes of which you here see a few. Click on the single work to get an enlarged view.
Fluxus Words – Edition 2018
l A new set of Fluxus Words, created in September 2018. These are sent out into the network, so we will see where they end up and what meaning the words get. I did scan the set so I can show them to others too. All made with several layers of acrylic paint and signed with black pen.
Trashpo Add and Return to Diana Keys
Outgoing to DVS in USA / May 21st 2018
Outgoing envelope to De Villo Sloan (DVS) in USA. Inside some personal things for him which I won’t document online. Also an original is included…..
Add and Pass for the MoMa – What is new?
Added a hardcopy Bitcoin to this paper and also some traditional values. Symbolic for the new ways for mail-art that old and new are now integrating and we don’t know which way things are heading. Will be funny to find out where this paper will travel too…… And what kind of traces are on it. I left a few of mine and now digitized it. The network will tell if.. Read More