Incoming object from Richard Canard (USA). I wrote a blog on the IUOMA network about is. See for the details: Bewaren
Artistamps from Carl Chew – USA
Mail from Triangle Post (Carl Chew) in USA. He sent me a wonderful enveloppe with in it my own version of the artistamp sheets with my name included in it. Dmitry Babenko made the grahics, and Carl played with that and added the names of mail-artist that are currently alive and spreading their work in the Mail-Art network. Thank you C.C.
Mail from Miss Noma – UK
Mail from Miss Noma came in today. A reply to a letter I sent to the UK last week.
Mail to Jude Weimeir – USA
This is a special envelope made for Jude Weimeir in USA. He always sends me the most interesting things, and because he is a composer I thought he might enjoy the circles that form his name and address. Several fonts were used, and protected with plastic and now on its way to San Diego in the USA. Hope it arrives safe and that he enjoys it.
Mail to C. Mehrl Bennett – USA
Another one of the envelopes by Borderline Graphix (USA) was sent to C. Mehrl Bennett (USA) since she asked for some extra stampsheets to print. So out it goes, also with one of the artistamps sent to me by Mars Tokyo (USA)
Katz’s Deli in New York – April 2010
Visiting New York in April 2010. After the opening of the exhibition we all went to Katz’s Deli. Maybe you recognize a few of the artists that were present…..
Mail from Richard Canard – USA
“I’m inclined to doubt there is a formula for creating a successful postcard… that sort of thing just happens”.
Card to De Villo Sloan – USA
Card to Richard C. – USA
Card to Richard Canard (USA) as a reactio to his card. We are comparing the digital mail-art world and posting things in advance before the receiver even receives the mail.
Mail to Ryosuke Cohen – Japan
To keep the flow going I send Ryosuke Cohen an enveloppe every two weeks. That way the Brain Cells as a reply do come in. I am currious if he reaches the 1000th issue. That is only a few years away, but a year in mail-art is a costly one with the current postal rates. On the envelope I use an artistamp that Mars Tokyo sent me. They were for.. Read More