A new card from Richard C (Canard) in USA from 8-11-2015. It travelled fast across the ocean and now goes onloine and visits the world. Yes, Mail-Art has become a strage artform where communication can go fast in any direction in digital form while a piece of carton still takes its time, and can be photographed in the centre of Breda to be placed online.
New Books in the TAM-Archive
Over the years I have published several books. You can actually order them online at: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/iuoma There are also the books with the mail-interviews. Choose Ebook, hardcopy and for some books even a colour printed version is available.
The new typewriter is ready
The new typewriter is ready for use. New oil in the machinery, and a new 2 colour ribbon is now inserted, A first test showed all letters work perfectly, so the machine is ready for use. Will show you first results when the time is right.
Mail to Mike Dyar – USA
Envelope to Mike Dyar (USA) as thank you for the objec t he sent……
Neoism – VIP
Because of some messages I got in through the IUOMA-platform located at: http://iuoma-network.ning.com/ I made this new VIP (Visual Impuls Poetry) and published it for others too.
Paris 13-11-2015
Two new VIP (Visual Impuls Poetry) works got ready today. Based on the tragedy that occured in Paris on November 13th 2015.
Mail from Mike Dyar – USA
Last week an interesting parcel from Mike Dyar arrived with in it an object that deserves some attention. The backside of the parcel receils some details already. A.M. Fine and Ray Johnson, and Mike himself looking for the next question. The mail-interview with Mike Dyar (see on this blog at: http://iuoma.org/blog_new_2015/2015/06/22/mail-interview-with-mike-dyar-usa/ Was never finished and published when I ended the project. Above the front cover of the parcel. Typical style.. Read More
New machinery from the previous century
After getting lots of fountain pens which whom I write daily, I recently got some typewriters for the collection I will work in for the production of my art. The last one was built in the 60-ies and comes from Eastern Germany. The first tests are good. I have to do some cleaning and after n ew inkroles arrive first letters will be typed. It is a typical performance to.. Read More
Welcome to the Pataphysics
Being a pataphysician is quite an experience. Time to share it through a foam rubber stamp made with the letters. And a first print of the new made rubber stamp goes out to Miss Noma in Liverpool – UK. A special envelope with some of my typical mail-art styles.