
On 21-2-12 I made these sheets and passed them out. Not a lot happened. I still had some lying here and pass them on now and then. Suddently on facebook they revived. Especially this version:

SCAN1666 “E” from France started adding on one and published it on some Facebook groups. It was piched up by the Mail-Art network on Facebook, and started to be added and passed on to. It resulted in lots of versions which are now circulating and are being added too. I started to collect them now, and probably make a video from that to show the diversity of such a Facebook wave….

12994575_10204690132613436_4545808577693846422_n 13062252_10204690132773440_2855167396486500960_n 13082564_10204704075922010_4176333133300462706_n