It is in my nature to make charts of things. Studying Physics and Mathematics only made that worse, and it results sometimes in beatiful charts that document the things I see connected. Mindmaps they are called sometimes too, and above you see a few of those that I made in the last years. Also when designing websites I used to make the sitemaps before I started building the digital works… Read More
Remembering my mother (1930-2013)
Is is already a few years that she died. This month it will be 3 years ago. She rests now with my Father and brother. They died both much too young.
Digital Humans – more drawings by Ruud Janssen
Some more new drawings got ready today. All conected to the digital human beings; how the digital world in influencing our way to see things and to react on things. I have published a large set from the complete series on my digital portfolio:
New VIP’s ready beginning 2016
The Old TAM BULLETIN – visuals
The TAM bulletin was issued in the 80-ies. Originals were made with the typewriter and then xeroxed with a machine and sent through the snail-mail. The Mail-Art network funtioned differet in those years and the papers connected thousands of people back in those 80-ies.
Two more IUOMA logos with 3D pen
Made two more IUOMA logos to complete the set. This time with ABS plastics and the 3D pen.
Outgoing to Heleen de Vaan – May 2016
With all the work online, one never should forget to send out some letters now and then.