Today I finished the work on a new object made with the 3D pen. The Title is “The Eye Catcher”. Made in July 2016, using a Myriwell 3D pen, and ABS plastic so the object will last at least 100 years. Here are some photos to give an impression:

2016-07-03 12.34.56 2016-07-03 12.36.03 2016-07-03 12.36.20 2016-07-03 12.36.30 2016-07-03 12.36.36 2016-07-03 12.36.46 2016-07-03 12.36.52 2016-07-03 12.37.07 2016-07-03 12.37.13 2016-07-03 12.37.19 2016-07-03 12.37.29 2016-07-03 12.37.42 2016-07-03 12.38.07 2016-07-03 12.38.56 2016-07-03 13.26.39 2016-07-03 13.27.46 2016-07-03 13.28.08