iuoma.org – Interested in Mail-Art?

welcome to the International Union of Mail-Artists. This Blog gives you information and links to all activities undertaken by Ruud Janssen, who started with Mail-Art in 1980 and is still active.

The Millennium Statements – 2000


In the year 1999 I was writing several statements, and I bundled them in the small booklet “Millennium Statements”. The individuals statements were printed and sent out though the mail. Also small booklets were printed and distributed. Because I made the stetements in a digital form, I still have them that way to, so I will share the set with you here. Some statements are still valid….

Dia1 Dia2 Dia3 Dia4 Dia5 Dia6 Dia7 Dia8 Dia9 Dia10 Dia11

Mail from Richard Canard – USA

2015-07-01 15.53.44

Mail from Richard Canard (USA) today. I read the card while I was in the center of Breda after collecting it at the P.O. Box. The weather was fine, and so was the text that Richard wrote. So not the traditional documentation…….

I already placed the card on the blog at IUOMA at NING. There others might see it first and will react for sure. I also know that Richard frequents that place too:


Off course Richard goes to the bottom. Mail-Art always had to do with reaching for new borders and directions. So maiy involved in the network thought just seem to repeat thins ans stay in their confort zone. I know I haven’t , but also I haven’t told you readers all I did in the network yet. Time will come to tell that.

I made special group for Richard where now IUOMA members place their work from him. It is quite a collection, and because Richard always dates his mailings, we can put them in the right order too (if there is any). We can’t judge ourselves on the impact we have in the network. That is for others and new generations to decide.

More mail from Richard on:
