iuoma.org – Interested in Mail-Art?

welcome to the International Union of Mail-Artists. This Blog gives you information and links to all activities undertaken by Ruud Janssen, who started with Mail-Art in 1980 and is still active.

Outgoing to Heleen – 2019

Outgoing enveloppe to Heleen de vaan in the Netherlands. Inside another envelope that the Postal Office returned because they flipped the envelope over and found the return address. So a second attempt to get this to Amstelveen. Hope it works this time.

Outgoing envelopes – February 2018

Again an envelope to Ryosuke Cohen in Japan to insure that in return I will get a Brain Cell for the TAM Archive. Last version I received was #1009, so the collection grows and grows Also two envelopes to Heleen de Vaan with a minimalistic address notation. Will see if they get there. The zipcode should reveil the city (Amstelveen), and the sipcode also reveils that the street is a.. Read More