iuoma.org – Interested in Mail-Art?

welcome to the International Union of Mail-Artists. This Blog gives you information and links to all activities undertaken by Ruud Janssen, who started with Mail-Art in 1980 and is still active.

New Book by John Held Jr. – USA

A new book for 2020 is sceduled by John Held Jr. (USA). Book Title: Archiving Advanced Art, ISBN #: 978-1-79482-552-9. Published by TAM-Publications. You can order your copy at: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/iuoma

Traditional Mail Art Catalogs – They still exist!

In 2017 I got these catalogs of Mail-Art project in the mail. Above a project done by the Stickerdude (Joel Cohen) in NY – USA, and below two catalogs that Uli Grohmann (Germany) did. Although a lot goes digital thee days, the hardcopies are still my favorites. You can go through the pages, and digitize them, but the booklet will survive the times for sure whuile the digital images go.. Read More

The Millennium Statements – 2000

In the year 1999 I was writing several statements, and I bundled them in the small booklet “Millennium Statements”. The individuals statements were printed and sent out though the mail. Also small booklets were printed and distributed. Because I made the stetements in a digital form, I still have them that way to, so I will share the set with you here. Some statements are still valid….

Academia Sources

To make information available, there is a very good website to publish papers, books, etc. I have used it now to make all kind of informatio available for researchers. That way I don’t have to maintain a big website with all sources, but also can guide you to: https://independent.academia.edu/JanssenR