In November 2018 I started working on several ore drawings in the collection Digital Human Beings. The series have become quite large and an exhibition would fit very nicely. Am looking nog for a good enough place to show the works. Any suggestions are welcome.
Drawing in Progress – June 2016
Here you see one of the new drawings th the series Digital Human Beings, where I investigate the influence of the digital world on the analog human world and how we see things thee days. This drawing is still in progress. You see two versions, but still needs some work before it is finished. The title is already choosen.
The Digital Islands – drawing by Ruud Janssen
Sometimes my drawings are strange and difficult to understand. Yet I try to make them accesible for anybody that sees them. Looks like a map in the first look, then two people in the second look, and when you look closer you see the digital connections at work. This drawing is a new addition to the growing collection. Over 200 drawings made now. This one is sized A4.