A new book for 2020 is sceduled by John Held Jr. (USA). Book Title: Archiving Advanced Art, ISBN #: 978-1-79482-552-9. Published by TAM-Publications. You can order your copy at: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/iuoma
Letter from 1993
Letter that John Held Jr. found in his archives and published on Facebook. It shows a photo taken by Jenny de Groot (Hengelo, Netherlands) when I was wisiting her and we were writing some letters to mutual mail-art friends. I copied the photo and use d it as writing paper as you see above. Ove of the letters went to John Held on February 1993.
Touring the Stendhal Gallery – New York – Video
Books by John Held Jr. – USA
New books by John Held – USA A set of two books have been published at TAM-Publications. Part
mail-interview with John Held Jr. – USA (Part 2 – San Francisco)
THE MAIL-INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HELD JR. (PART-2) (the SAN FRANSISCO period) 68 Started on 2-5-1996 RJ : Well John, I think it is time now to start the second part of our interview. During the first part of the interview you were living in Dallas, and now you are already some time in San Francisco. How big is the difference between Dallas and San Francisco? Reply on 25-5-1996 JH :.. Read More
mail-interview with John Held Jr. – USA (Part 1 in Dallas)
This interview was done in 1995 by Ruud Janssen. It is possible to spread this information to others, but for publications you will have to get permission from TAM and the interviewed person! Enjoy reading this interview. MAIL-INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HELD JR. PART 1 TAM-PUBLICATIONS TAM950095 THE MAIL-INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HELD JR. (PART 1) Started on: 3-11-1994 RJ : Welcome to this mail-interview. First let me ask you the traditional.. Read More