The last weeks I have been working in these, and finaly the last additions were made.The small series is now ready. They are scanned and published, and some will go to strange corners of the world for sure. Click on a single work to see it full-size.
More IUOMA stickers – December 2016
The production of a Copy of Mail-Art Stickers Video
The production of a copy of stickers. sample of Multimedia in production.
Mail-Art stickers
Some left-overs from the stickers I have been using in the 90-ies to stick on mail-art envelopes. I still use stickers on my outgoing mail-art
IUOMA logo by Thomas Kerr and Joel Cohen – USA
Drawing by Thomas Kerr and Joel Cohen, Stickers produced by the The Stickerdude (Joel Cohen), both from USA. As a support for the IUOMA the logo and artistampos design was made. Thousands of stickers were produced and distributed in several colours. There were even rubberstamps made out of this logo. Therefore one of the most know logo’s of the International Union of Mail-Artists. Als the artistamps contains the basic principle.. Read More