iuoma.org – Interested in Mail-Art?

welcome to the International Union of Mail-Artists. This Blog gives you information and links to all activities undertaken by Ruud Janssen, who started with Mail-Art in 1980 and is still active.

mail-interview with Ruud Janssen – Netherlands (HR)

THE MAIL-INTERVIEW WITH RUUD JANSSEN. 4 – unfinished BY HANS-RUEDI FRICKER Started on: 5-3-1996 HR : Welcome to this mail-interview. You are the founder of the Mail-interview Project and I think that your own thoughts should be part of this project too. Ofcourse you could do a fictive interview with yourself, but in that case I would miss the dialogical process, therefore I invite you to answer my questions. First.. Read More

mail-interview with H.R. Fricker – Switzerland

THE MAIL-INTERVIEW WITH H.R. FRICKER. 10 Started on: 17-11-1994 RJ : Welcome to this mail-interview. First let me ask you the traditional question. When did you get involved in the mail-art network? Reply on: 26-11-1994 HR : July 16th 1981 I received the magazine “Sphinx No. 12/13 1981” from Thierry Tillier, Charleroi, Belgium. I found Thierry’s address (very small printed and the term “mail-art” above it) in the magazine “Gepein”.. Read More