Gift from Jack Latteman (USA) – December 2016
Jack Latteman (Cascadia Artpost from USA) sent me a wonderful present this year. It is a rubberstamp that is quite large and is both for TAM and IUOMA as the 2 sides I am working with. THanks so much Jack!
Word Rubberstamps in the TAM-Archive
I have these lovely sets of wordstamps in the TAM Rubberstamp Archive. Ocasionally I use them to play with on my outgoing mail-art. The stamps are cheap, and self-inkting. Each set has 3 words. They were on sale so I bought a few years ago. Still enjoy them every time I use them. More details on the TAM Rubberstamp archive at: and
Mail to Ryosuke Cohen – Japan
Outgoing to DVS – USA
Brain Cell #957 from Ryosuke Cohen – Japan
Brain CELL #957 arrived today. The numbers go quick now. Only 43 more and the hostoric number is in the picture. Bewaren
Outgoing to Nico van Hoorn – Netherlands
Nico van Hoorn wrote me a letter last summer 2016 that he will stop with mail-art now. That is always a choice, just not to send out letters anymore. But somehow I wanted to answer him with a letter, so maybe also a last letter to him? Not sure. As long as the P.O. Box is open we are able to send. Will communicate with him through Facebook probably. Nico.. Read More
Robert Rocola (USA) Bull rubberstamp
More outgoing September 2016
Two more envelopes I made this month and will go out today, the last day of September 2016. On the envelopes the college of words with foam stamps and added the new IUOMA logo designed by Heleen de Vaan in Netherlands. IUOMA will be 30 years old in 2018. Not that far away anymore. Bewaren
More outgoing to Ryosuke Cohen – Japan
Another enveloppe that started travelling to Ryosuke Cohen in Japan. The Braincell’s need input, so I am giving that. Always incluse a large copy of a new drawing insode the enveloppe, so Ryosuke has now quite a good view of that too.