2016-04-24 18.48.34

On April 24th 2016 I made this new IUOMA logo with a 3D pen using PLA plastics (White, grey, black and brown). An experiment to see if you can construct any logo you want and have the object instantly in your hands.

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On the backside of the object you can see the structure created with the white PLA which was the basis for the logo. I signed it with IUOMA 2016 which goes easy as well. On a brown wooden background the logo looks like this:

2016-04-24 18.48.48

As you can see the plastic of a 3D pen gives an unique structure like the brush with paint. I personally like what ou can do with such a 3D pen and plan to make more objects. The time it too to make this object was about one hour.

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